Saturday, October 15, 2011

Matchbox Hazard Squad - Fire Engine

Hazmat Rescue 1 @ the back for DFW Airport

The Red Hazmat Team

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lego - Minifigure - Gangster (big bro big)

I manage to get this figure yesterday on Midvalley, and the best is the series was in shop within this week only.

Guess which 1 is the one i mention in the package....

This the unpacked and the contents.....

More Detail parts....

After all part assembly together, here this the Master mind of the Gangster....

“Stick ‘em up and hand over all your – aw no, it’s the cops again!”

The Gangster is a low-down, sneaky, rotten crook. Impeccably dressed in his pinstripe suit and hat, his trick violin case always at his side, he sneaks around the city setting up scams, bank robberies and protection rackets wherever he can…or at least, that’s the plan.

The problem with being a no-good criminal in LEGO CITY is that the place is just chock full of police stations. You can hardly turn a corner without running into a friendly officer or three out on patrol. So as much as the Gangster may try to make his fortune through unlawful acts, he usually finds himself spending a lot more time fleeing than committing felonies!

Gangster Chase by Police scene.