Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sound & Serene

For the man sound in body and serene in mind there is no such thing as bad weather, every day has its beauty and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorouslyGeorge Gissing

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

steve jobs quotes

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

Everything else is secondary.
~ Steve Jobs

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Matchbox Hazard Squad - Fire Engine

Hazmat Rescue 1 @ the back for DFW Airport

The Red Hazmat Team

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lego - Minifigure - Gangster (big bro big)

I manage to get this figure yesterday on Midvalley, and the best is the series was in shop within this week only.

Guess which 1 is the one i mention in the package....

This the unpacked and the contents.....

More Detail parts....

After all part assembly together, here this the Master mind of the Gangster....

“Stick ‘em up and hand over all your – aw no, it’s the cops again!”

The Gangster is a low-down, sneaky, rotten crook. Impeccably dressed in his pinstripe suit and hat, his trick violin case always at his side, he sneaks around the city setting up scams, bank robberies and protection rackets wherever he can…or at least, that’s the plan.

The problem with being a no-good criminal in LEGO CITY is that the place is just chock full of police stations. You can hardly turn a corner without running into a friendly officer or three out on patrol. So as much as the Gangster may try to make his fortune through unlawful acts, he usually finds himself spending a lot more time fleeing than committing felonies!

Gangster Chase by Police scene.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Technology is good when it do the way you want without configure so much.
What good if it need you to spend more time to configure the way you want.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Mother Teresa
The best day - today. Най-хубавият ден - днешния. 最好的一天 - 今天。
The biggest obstacle - fear. Най-голямата спънка - страхът. 最大的障礙 - 恐懼。
The easiest thing - to deceive. Най-лесното нещо - да се заблудиш. 最容易的事 - 誤入歧途。
The biggest misconception - that the other is to blame for failing you. Най-голямата заблуда - че друг е виновен за неуспеха ти. 最大的錯誤 - 這是責怪別人為你的失敗。
The most difficult - to achieve their dreams. Най-трудното - да постигнеш мечтите си. 最困難的 - 實現你的夢想。
The most feasible - all to please them both. Най-непостижимото - да угодиш на всички. 最不可理解 - 討好每一個人。
The most idiotic thing - excuse. Най-глупавото нещо - оправданието. 最愚蠢的事 - 一個藉口。
The biggest mistake - you fall spirit. Най-голямата грешка - да паднеш духом. 最大的錯誤 - 你跌倒的精神。
The biggest defeat - to surrender without a fight. Най-голямото поражение - да се предадеш без бой. 最大的失敗 - 不戰投降。
The root of all evils - selfishness. Коренът на всички злини - егоизмът. 一切罪惡的根源 - 自私。
Best entertainment - work. Най-хубавото развлечение - работата. 工作 - 所有的樂趣最佳。
The most useful thing - experience. Най-полезното нещо - опитът. 最有用的東西 - 經驗。
The most useless thing - laziness. Най-безполезното нещо - мързелът. 最無用的東西 - 懶惰。
Worst defeat - despair. Най-лошото поражение - отчаянието. 最糟糕的失敗 - 絕望。
Needed most - home. Най-необходимото - домашното огнище. 最需要的 - 家。
Most faithful friends - parents. Най-верните приятели - родителите. 最忠實的朋友 - 父母。
The largest donors - the teachers. Най-големите дарители - учителите. 最大的捐助者 - 教師。
The best teachers - the children. Най-добрите учители – децата. 最好的老師 - 孩子。
Your biggest enemy - you himself. Най-големият ти враг - ти самият. 你最大的敵人 - 自己。
The most dangerous man - hypocrite. Най-опасният човек - лицемерът. 最危險的人物 - 偽君子。
The worst Advisor - anger. Най-лошият съветник - гневът. 最壞的顧問 - 憤怒。
The most insidious feelings - hatred and envy. Най-коварните чувства - омразата и завистта. 最陰險的情感 - 仇恨和嫉妒。
Greatest happiness - useful to others. Най-голямото щастие – да си полезен на другите. 最大的幸福 - 要對別人有用。
The greatest success - to eradicate its weaknesses. Най-големият успех - да изкорениш недостатъците си. 最大的成功 - 消除缺陷。
The most unpleasant flaw - bad mood. Най-неприятния недостатък – лошото настроение. 最尷尬的缺陷 - 心情不好。
What you can not escape - the problems. От какво не можеш да избягаш - от проблемите. 你無法逃避 - 的問題。
The most essential - communication. Най-първата необходимост - общуването. 而最重要的 - 溝通。
The shortest way - right. Най-краткият път - правилният. 最短的方式 - 的權利。
The longest time - to keep foreign advice. Най-дългият път - да се водиш по чужд акъл. 最長的時間 - 開展對外悟性。
The most beautiful gift - forgiveness. Най-красивият подарък – прошката . 最美麗的禮物 - 寬恕。
The best defense - the smile. Най-добрата защита – усмивката. 最好的防禦 - 微笑。
The most pleasant sensation - inner peace. Най-приятното усещане - вътрешният мир. 最愉快的經歷 - 內心的平靜。
The greatest pleasure - delinquent. Най-голямото удоволствие - изпълненият дълг. 最大的樂趣 - 他的職責。
The biggest disappointment - betrayal. Най-голямото разочарование - предателството. 最大的失望 - 背叛。
Most depersonalization - imitation. Най-обезличаващото - подражанието. 大多數人格解體 - 模仿。
Nobody can take you: education, experience and memories. Никой не може да ти отнеме: образованието, опита и спомените. 沒有人可以帶你:教育,經驗和回憶。
The most important thing you carry with you - your mind. Най-важното нещо, което носиш със себе си - умът. 最重要的事情你和你攜帶 - 頭腦。
Best medicine - optimism. Най-доброто лекарство – оптимизмът. 最好的良藥 - 樂觀。
The most powerful force in the world - faith. Най-мощната сила на света – вярата. 世界上最強大的力量 - 信念。
Most wonderful gift - hope. Най-стимулуращият дар – надеждата. 大多數禮物 - 希望。
The only reality - love. Единствената реалност – любовта. 唯一的現實 - 愛