Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lyrics for Manbai - Kau Ilhamku

Lyrics for Manbai - Kau Ilhamku

Beribu bintang di langit kini menghilang
Meraba aku dalam kelam
Rembulan mengambang kini makin suram
Pudar ilhamku tanpa arah

Sedetik wajahmu muncul dalam diam
Ada kerdipan ada sinar
Itukah bintang ataupun rembulan
Terima kasih ku ucapkan

Izinkanku mencuri bayangan wajahmu
Izinkanku mencuri khayalan denganmu

Maafkanlah oh...
Andailah lagu ini mengganggu ruangan hidupmu
Kau senyumlah oh...
Sekadar memori kita di arena ini
Kau ilhamku... kau ilhamku...

Here’s a rough English translation of this beautiful song…

Thousands of stars in the sky have now disappeared
I feel about in the darkness
The floating moon is now growing darker
My inspiration fades without a direction

A moment of your face appears in the quiet
There is flickering of light
Is that the stars or the moon?
I say thank you

Allow me to steal the shadow of your face
Allow me to steal the imagination with you

Forgive me, oh
Imagine this song could disturb the space you live in ,
You smile, oh
Just memories of us in this arena
You're my inspiration . . . you're my inspiration . . .

Tuesday, March 2, 2010





Monday, March 1, 2010

Something to learn about






