Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Anglia Shandy - Grape

Finally i manage to buy this Limited edition Anglia Shandy -Grape taste. Price @ RM7.99 for six can. Will try the taste and see how Grape is this new favorite. Look yummy!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Yesterday watch Tv, nothing much and turn to TV2 channel. Saw the tv2 play back P.Ramlee movie, Masam masam manis. This remind me of some of his movie, it is amusing and funny and can make laugh :P It is great to see it again.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Some1 photo me into the Basket Ball game on sunday.

While i browsing on ABL web, , and check what on Facebook about it, i found some1 had taken photo on the game, and i was in the photo as well.
I was in the right top corner in this photo, circled by me in orange color. That me.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Last week, i saw a rainbow when i home. Guest no many ppl will see many rainbow in life.Lucky me :P

Saturday, January 2, 2010


New year, to me just like same old day. Just like Back to the future. Nothing new in life. Perhaps what i see is the pass of the future :P mean, what new now is something i had see or dream b4 long time ago, and now only happen :P