Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Army Action Figure with M107 sniper

Finally i got this M107 sniper gun army, from Toys r us. And they had this new series for army action figure, also had the Vehicle like Humvee, Blackbird and Watch Tower also.
Nice.....will make my Army collection more interesting.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hot wheels

After work, go to Mid Valley for dinner with friend. Then goto Toys R us look see look see, and spotted some nice HW cars and bought its.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The War Begin

Let the pic do the talking :P

This is some of my action figure i collected :P

Thursday, October 8, 2009

G.I.Joe - General "Hawk"

At last, i saw this action figure @ 1U. without hesitate and grap it immediately. General Hawk, the head of the G.I. Joe Team.
My next team member for the G.I.Joe will be Sgt. Stone. It came will single pack and TRU version. There is different in colouring of their baret, vest and BDU . Havent decided which 1 to get.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My weekend Hobbies.

What i do on weekend? Photo season with my collection.

Today i take photo of Army soldier.

And some Star Wars Troopers.
More Photo can be viewed @ my Flickr.